1. How is Event Horizon free for me to use?
Event Horizon can charge an application fee to the vendors directly per submitted application/registration. This means you owe nothing to use the platform. If you qualify for the free tier, there will be no charge at all.
2. What do you mean I get my money immediately?
Event Horizon allows you to receive payments directly into your merchant account. You don't have to wait for settlement or percentage payouts.
3. How many vendors can I sign up for my event through Event Horizon?
You can sign up an unlimited number of applicants.
4. Can I charge fees and security deposits?
Yes, you can add fees and questions that get charged based on the answer given.
5. How many different price combinations can I charge for sign ups?
You can charge unlimited combinations of fees and charges.
6. Can I ask a Yes/No question and then only charge a fee for a Yes answer?
Absolutely! You can base charges on answers to your questions.
7. Are there preset questions or can I insert my own?
You can design your application with any questions and charges that you would like. The combinations are limitless.
8. Are there email notifications sent automatically from the system to the vendors?
Yes, there are many notifications that are sent out giving your vendors information. These notifications are customizable by you.
9. Can i manage my event from registration opening to day of the event?
Yes, you can have your vendors sign up, submit photos, submit documents and pay their application charges online. Then manage the file through the event management work flow.
10. Can I require vendors to upload photos?
Yes, there is a setting for how many photos you need from each vendor and you may set them to required.
11. Is there chargeback management included?
Yes, our higher level packages come with chargeback management.
12. Can I jury my vendors for my event?
Yes, full jury management is included in our higher level packages
13. Can I generate a vendor participant list?
Yes, one will automatically generate and you decide whether or not to make
it public.